One advantage of digging is it keeps you warm when it is cold. Many ruts and potholes in the yard were filled so that it is much easier to mow now than it was. The remainder of the dirt was piled up at the back of the excavation for later backfill.
A site to reveal the Glory of the Creator in this small corner of the world, namely in the mind, heart, and surroundings of leon.
Harper Creep Falls
Harper Creek Falls
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Taking Forms
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Much Rubbish
Sometimes a desire and plan morph into a project. For that reason, I don't have many pictures of the beginning of my workshop, and the first one is incidental. The following picture was taken of one of two fawns that bedded down 30 feet from our back door for several weeks. The picture was taken with my old phone that did not have better than a passable camera which was worse on electronic zoom and here used through a windowpane. Even with me sneaking up to the window, the fawn is on high alert. The point for this blog entry, however, is not the cute wildlife but the pile of rubble in the background. This picture was taken after 90% of the brush had been removed, revealing the construction rubble. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started this project. I determined to recycle what could be. That resulted in some 5+ 5-gallon buckets full of broken glass, more aluminum cans and plastic, random steel cans and auto parts severely rusted by the buckets full.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Developing Youngsters
We so enjoyed talking and playing and eating with and reading to our grandchildren. And yes, we enjoyed talking with our son and his wife. All smiles just before lunchtime makes you just want to pinch some cheeks.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Two Frozen Head Waterfalls
My brother and his wife are always very gracious and hospitable to allow us to stay at their house when we come to visit family.