Harper Creep Falls

Harper Creep Falls
Harper Creek Falls

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Hanging in there


18. Hanging in there

September 25, 2007 by creatorworship | Edit

I went climbing yesterday, once of only twice since my three day trip in August. Over the last five years that is a long stretch to not climb for me, excepting winter of course. Life is full of details and I have more than a few with teaching at a new high school, trying to be a reasonable father to five children (two are away but occupy much conversation, prayer, and concern), wanting to grow in my relationship with my wife, and needing more of Jesus every day. At present my truck stop working and my two youngest are playing soccer.  Well, you get the idea, and I know that my days are not as busy as many or else I wouldn’t have these few minutes to write here or climb yesterday.  I am thankful.  But these details cause me to remember that the believer has no special dispensation to prevent the number or severity of concerns or difficulties, but does have a great Father who helps out when struggles come. Desiring to stay in shape and again climb later on, I have thought about getting a hang board. But such toys cost money that I don’t seem to have for discretionary purchases. It reminds me once again that life is about really living but sometimes we manage no more than hanging in there. So I trust and pray and overcome and sometimes dream about things I’d like to do, like climb.

                                                                        AH belaying.

                                                CW with AH after a 5.11a sport lead.

Dopey and Maginot


Beginning a good day of climbing
July in Western North Carolina
Brain Fog and Atmospheric Haze
Wildman livin' on the edge (He is tied in.)
100' rappel to the base
A start of Dopey Duck
At 200' you know you are high but you don't feel you are high.
View from the belay giving perspective on the size of the cliff
The Maginot Line Corner
Hanging Belay

The top of Maginot Line in the good shade of a small Table Mountain Pine

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Hampton Creek Reserve Wilflowers

Here are a few of the wildflowers two fruits I saw last Saturday on the Birchfield/Overmountain Victory Trail along Hampton Creek, TN.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Showing the Ropes

 After so much rain, I really wanted to go climbing. It turns out that I did twice this week, which was a surprise to me. Showing a former student the ropes was fun and the conversation coming and going was substantial. A grigri is a very handy device for climbing with a first time climber since I would not have a safe belay otherwise. I think this new climber will come again since he didn't have much fear of height, proceeded carefully, and wanted to challenge himself, needing only the slightest encouragement to continue trying confidently. But isn't that true for all of life? Where do you obtain lack of fear, care, and confidence to try? Common grace allows that people can muster some awareness within themselves but for the challenges of life that really count, living in a way that is pleasing to God, the manifold grace of God is the only sure, lasting source for overcoming. 

First outdoor climb, 5.6 First outdoor climb, 5.6Say what? Say what?Topping out Topping outRappell RappellProgress Progress

Originally published 1/18/13

Sit Start

Starting from rest does not mean that what comes afterwards will necessarily be easy. Enjoy the rest and really recover and be prepared. A trivial example would be what is called in climbing a "sit-start".  Notice the repose as the bouldering problem begins. And on video it may not look that hard but appearances can be deceiving. Bouldering here is only an analogy, because it is a leisure time activity, but when we see someone struggling don't assume that their former state of rest or present appearance of ease of execution means their isn't any real struggle going on.  [Sit Start]

 Originally published 7/17/08

Spiritual Lessons and Rock Climbing

 Having trouble seeing the connection? I went climbing for three days at the Obed National Scenic River cliffs just northwest of Wartburg, TN. Below is a picture of me flashing a 5.11a on toprope.Pet Semetary 5.11a at the Stephen King Library of the Obed River

As I have improved as a climber my climbing mentors (one belaying me and the other taking the picture) have emphasized key elements to climbing. I have also discovered some on my own.

So I was thinking about important considerations for improving climbing and life.

1) Balance is crucial. Whether leaning out for an awkward move or resting, being over one's center of gravity or moving toward a new position of balance are the only way to stay on the rock for long. Ephesians 5:15-17 says "be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is". Making the most of my time? How do I do that Lord? I'm pulled in every direction not only by responsibilities but by desires and needs as well. Oh, but You are good and give us no more than what you are asking of us. The rest is superfluous and needs to be shed (climbing? Well that depends.)

2) Core body strength is necessary. Frequently climbing feels like all hands and forearms, but that is just as frequently because the core is not being used to make oppositional use of the hands and feet to spread the strain. Many hard moves are not possible without side pulling or pulling up (under-clinging). The thoracic core of the body is necessary to attempt and hold such moves and continue with endurance. Romans 12:2 "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Transformation in the inner man so that we are in tune to God's direction results in a strength from Him at your core that can overcome temptation and reduce wasted motion.

3) Focus trumphs skill and strength. If you are not focused on how you are going to use your body parts and what the immediate and subsequent moves require you're not likely to top out. You'll either miss your move sequence or tear off of a handhold or get into a position from which you can't recover. The ultimate in focus is called flow. You are so focused that you remain relaxed, move almost without conscious planning, and amaze yourself at how smoothly it went. Some want to consign a spiritual component to flow (and I do not deny that all things are spiritual) but this is just confidence and intensity balanced to make best use of machinery (body and mind). Joshua 1:7-8 says "Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it." Succeeding at what ever your hand finds to do that God has set for you involves remembering constantly (focusing) on His way of doing it. Since we forget so quickly even "like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like," we must be like "the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it- he will be blessed in what he does." (James 1:23-25) The world, the flesh, and the devil want us to focus on anything but God and His will: entertainment, health, success, prestige, survival, responsibility. All of these are good and have a place but only under God's direction and for us. He is the object of focus then results success.

4) Reach is nice, but technique is better. The two people that I climb the most with are vertically challenged. I'm not tall at 5'8" but I have reach that frustrates both of them at times. They are better climbers and inevitably do some technically harder move to overcome their height deficiency, making me look silly in the process (Here they are moving through a segment of the climb that I can't do even though I can reach easier holds.) Mark 12:41-44 says "Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of penny. Calling the disciples to him, Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on." But, Jesus, counldn't their superior financial reach help Your kingdom more than her humble technique of giving from the heart and sacrificially? Jesus' math doesn't work like ours because He blesses what He sees is done from the heart. He can leverage the financial market to improve the liquidity of your mite.

5) Double Excessively check safety hardware and communication. Of the climbing deaths I have heard of in the five years that I've climbed the most frequent seems to be overconfidence in improperly use equipment. To state it more simply, most falls are rappelling falls where the knowledgeable person assumes the equipment will support them. I have seen my climbing partners and I have also frequently jerked on a line hooked in two feet in front of me numerous times checking 3 or 4 times that all connections are "bomb proof", as we say. The consequences of not being sure can be death. We give permission to be irritated for not communicating: "On belay?", "Belay on.", "Climbing.", "Climb on.", etc. I Samuel 30:6 reports David's reaction to a bad situation, "David encouraged himself in the Lord." I'm sure David was no less discourage than everyone else and more. The village he and his followers lived in had been burned. All of the women and children had been taken along with anything of value: sheep, donkeys, gold, tools, ... And now the men were so frustrated that they were going to stone David. David in effect checked what his security before God was, what His options were. It is the reason we review the salvation story and process in so many of our songs and sermons. We forget; life drags us down; we must be reminded, constantly. This is our safety net not only for eternity but in how to proceed with confidence in this life: His mercy, His grace.

Originally published 8/07

Slopey Bouldering

 I like climbing. Rock climbing, bouldering, sport and trad climbing, and top roping all qualify. It's a jargon thing. The woods are peaceful, the challenge is intense, and the exercise is one of a kind. I'm so thankful to God to be healthy enough at 40 something to do this. I'm not great, but... well you decide at [Slopey Bouldering]

Originally published 7/07