Harper Creep Falls

Harper Creep Falls
Harper Creek Falls

Monday, August 30, 2021

Dirty Corner

This grass-like flower was blooming all along the rim of the Gorge.

Surveying the cliffline; Camelback formation in the upper right; upper Linville Gorge in the background

The standing spire is called Green Monster
There had been heavy rain several days ago, so that I expected the a Green Monster to be wet and algae and moss laden. It was the driest and clearest part of the approach trail.

The Galax and ferns at the base of the climb were lush.
The Corner, 5.7
I called it Dirty Corner because of the lichen, bushes, moisture, and little evidence of having been climbed in ages.
Equalized trad anchor at the top of the first pitch

Morning shadow on the Linville River below the Gold Coast Cliffs
Lower Linville Gorge with Shortoff on the left
Table Mountain Pine with fresh cone set on
Vantage from the second pitch anchor
Highline stretched between buttresses- Do you see the man walking the slackline? The resolution is poor, but consider where the slackline changes direction.

A five foot Black Snake on the road out

Saturday, August 28, 2021



Entrance hole and assorted tools

Two rotten joists to replace


Two joist splices and supports

Corner end of the joist splices

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

L's B-day

Long day at the doctor's office and 4 hours of driving
followed by a relaxing sunset in the country

Hanging out soon after arrival

Diligent daughter doing

Cultured, thornless blackberries even

The neighbor has all kinds of fun things.

Some prefer to watch.

Next evening hanging out with the neighbor and watching his Koi.

Shade makes you happy on a hot day, anywhere you can find it.

Three generations

Saturday, August 7, 2021

HB and TR

First pitch of Lost in Space

See my climbing partner's head to the right of the horn

View from the top

With my son at Devil's Cellar

Resting before the next push

Devil's Cellar

midway up the East flank of Table Rock

See the climber?

My anchor point for belaying my partner