Harper Creep Falls

Harper Creep Falls
Harper Creek Falls

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Every Precious Moment

How do you think about your grandchildren, should you be so blessed as to have some?Following are thoughts on the personalities of eight grandchildren who my wife and I saw this past Saturday.

Rough and Tumble #2, works well with his hands, thoughtful and helpful:

Most always happy with a smile, quiet, content:

Little Miss Gregarious, will talk to any stranger;
Big Sister, smart, everything is black and white and by the rules:

New kid on the block, very observant, quiet:

Rough and Tumble #1, memorizes long passages, inquisitive, friendly:

Grandpa loves him some grandchildren:

Content, usually with a smile, shy around those less familiar, expressive even without speech:

There they are quietly observing again. No use doing otherwise since they wouldn't be able to get in a word edgewise:

I realized after looking at the picture that they must have been tired after the number of books their aunt read to them, but they still wanted more.

Rough and Tumble #3, appreciative and shy, wants to be your friend:

Little Miss M contentedly sitting next to daddy,...

...who is teaching his nephew to play chess. I think his nephew is incredulous about the rules and progress of the game:

"Cheaper than a water park," my son said. A 100' sheet of 6 mil plastic (reusable), dishwashing soap, water hose and water, garbage bags, and cord all make up the supplies for the run. You have to keep your feet down and in front of your or you roll and tumble.

Brother pulls little sister down the chute.

Since the ground is not slanted just right, you have to pay attention in the tautness of the cord to keep the Slider on the chute.

The hose sprays them for about halfway down the chute.

Someone else traversed the chute, A Huntsman or Water Spider.

I thought that we should use the day well, so I asked two of my brothers if we could meet in the evening at a restaurant convenient for all. We had good, happy conversation about past, present, and future events. Theology, health, vacations, nature, education, and more came up, all of those subjects you are not supposed to talk about in polite company. But we are blessed with believing the truth, so there are only the nuances of disagreement, I think.

Family is high on the priority list. We were blessed with more contact and memory making this past weekend than in many a day, for which we are thankful to God.

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