Harper Creep Falls

Harper Creep Falls
Harper Creek Falls

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wildlife Blues

I needed to rid my yard of some pesky critters before they decimated my recent plantings. My neighbor assisted me in my ambivalence about shooting them with neighbor houses so nearby by loaning me his live trap. Look what came to spend the night the first night.

Several nights later there was his companion come to stay the night.

When I opened the gate for the prisoners to go free, they were too fast for me to get decent pictures.

Some different kind of folk arrived in the next few days, Oppie and Opal O'possum.

Can you see the visitor who was bedded down in my backyard?

Once again, I was not fast enough to get a decent picture of the escaping youngin'.

Standing at the kitchen window, I am reminded why we have trouble with anything not "fenced in" being chewed on. The plant down from the deer's hind legs was chewed down flush and is resprouting. I guess I need to put monofilament line around the planter, too.

Strolling casually through the backyard one day in the merry, merry month of May (or perhaps June), a morsel she did spy that her mouth was game to try, oh, what a sorrowful plant next day.

I am thankful for the successes I have had in deterring and redirecting (i.e. relocating) wildlife and still seeing some about. This is putting to the test the saying, "Life is a balancing act."

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