Harper Creep Falls

Harper Creep Falls
Harper Creek Falls

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Pad

Warm humid days are good for getting wet and cool. I hung out at the periphery, cooling down with water on my legs, talking to the children, taking pictures, and surveying beautiful surroundings of trees and hills.

It was so hard to persuade Little L not to run. Thus is the enthusiasm of the young. Sister was calmer, but still all smiles.

Squirting each other and me when I got too close is always the most fun.

At first we had the run of the pad, but soon others trickled in. Little L made two friends, and all the children played well together.

E confided after an hour that she was cold, and Little L began to slow down and spend more time off the pad than on it, so I suggested that we head for the house. It was a fun, easy-going time, and we talked almost continuously before, during, afterwards. Oh, God, make me a godly influence before them.

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